PlayForMeASymphony's Favorite Videos
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Play A Symphony
Eclectic -- with a mix of
Opera, Art, Contemporary. instrumental, Rock, motivational and a bit of blues and Country
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About Me
Welcome, everyone, to my channel. May all who visit find a halcyon respite here....a quiet place to steal away from the cares of the day..... I own no rights to any videos...and the music I share is simply for your enjoyment. Please subscribe to the respective owners....and purchase their wonderful music. There is no copyright infringement intended...Music, art and writing are passions of mine...I play violin (not well, lol), and love writing sonnets and short stories. I also love the outdoors and our Metro Parks....Butterflies are my favorite insect....I am a very social person, and love reaching out to people all over the world....
Here are several of my copyrighted poems.....
I’ve been tangled in the maelstrom too long....I shall escape and find my way again.....Back to the quiet place where I belong....
Far from the tinseled provinces of men....These will be waiting after my release---the sheltered ways....the quiet ways of peace.

It must have been a lovelier word
than the ears of man have ever heard---
The word God said that made the tall strength of the trunk, and the boughs, and all the leaves, that still on a summer night....reminded by some passing breeze....echo the word that made the trees.

If the autumn of life is half as lovely
as the autumn of earth, I shall not
grieve for the vanished days of a rapturous spring---
nor beg for one moment of reprieve......
I have loved the snows of dandelion and plum that rivaled the frost-flakes mystic designs.....But, what of a world in crimson and gold with wild grapes spilling their purple wines......
And, if winter shall come? I am content to leave my life in the hands of a God whose mind could conceive the autumn of earth....and star it with asters and goldenrod.

LOVE is something unseen--like the wind.....It is a bond between two hearts---a friendship that never ends.
LOVE is a warm feeling toward my neighbor and being able to rejoice with him over a small success.
LOVE is the encouraging smile of my little girl.
LOVE is a cup of hot tea shared with a friend in the morning.
LOVE is doing without in order to make somebody else happy.
LOVE feels another’s hurt, and goes out of the way to soothe it.
LOVE is walking hand in hand...sharing a life together in perfect contentment
LOVE is not selfish. It always considers the other person first
LOVE is being able to say, ”I’m sorry.”
LOVE is given and forgiving.
God is LOVE
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Never Never Land
Over the rainbow
hard knocks and impossible dreams
I work with Alzheimer’s residents....I write their life stories....write poetry and short stories with them as my own parents, and at the end of their journey, hold their hand, and help them die with dignity.
I love art, music and writing poetry. I also love walking in our Metro parks...I am a Nature lover.
Favorite Movies & Shows
Pride and Prejudice the B.B.C. version. Sense and Sensibility, Remains of the Day....and anything by Robert Redford
Favorite Music
Puccini’s Madame Butterfly, La Boehme Queen, Led Zepelin !! Years ago, I sang backup in a rock band...and am very much at home with the Rockers...I TRULY AM eclectic in my musical tastes.
Favorite Books
Anything by Jane Austen--my favorite author....Victor Hugo....and all classic/contemporary poets...such as e.e. Cummings....and Rumi
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